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Shut down negative self talk and rediscover your inner power


Now Available for Online Coaching

"To be beautiful means to be yourself" ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


~ Learn how to shut down the negative self talk that stops you in your tracks from being and doing all that you you've dreamed of.


~ Crush & defeat the inner voice that tells you that you're not (brave/ smart/ good) enough to create more.


~ Release those limiting beliefs and step into your power.


~ Learn how to conquer the pesky Saboteurs who stand in your way and forbid you to evolve and grow. 


~ and FLY HIGHER than you ever have before. 


~Reawaken your spirit ~Rediscover that spark ~Reclaim your inner power

About You


You amazing women, 43 and beyond ~ who have somehow found yourselves feeling drained, depleted, and done. Perhaps you feel like the life you always dreamed of has passed you by - you no longer feel noticed or heard, you lack the energy or spark you once had, and you don't recognise the person you're becoming. Somewhere along the way, you lost your way, and you aren't sure how to become all you know you're capable of being. I'm here to tell you IT'S NOT TOO LATE. You are that brilliant, vivacious, super-wise human you've always been and more. She's inside you, and aching to break free. You are The Beautiful Ones.

About Me


I'm Yasmin Rais ~ Certified Wellbeing Coach, Yin Yoga Teacher and Breathwork Instructor ~ I coach The Beautiful Ones. 


I worked as a script supervisor in film production for two decades, until I experienced burnout, and a genuine lack of passion for what I was doing. And I had no clear idea as to how to make the changes I needed, to create the life that I wanted.


I discovered an awesome system ~ Positive Intelligence (PQs) ~ that teaches you how to shut down negative self talk and self doubt within a few seconds, so you can release limiting beliefs, and rediscover your inner power to move forward, at last, with all the things you want to achieve ~ without shrinking, out of fear, embarrassment or politeness.


A combination of PQs, Yin Yoga and gentle Breathwork continues to help me peel off layer upon layer of conditioning, to understand that the only one standing in my way, was me. 


You will see your relationship with yourself, others and your situation incomparably improved, and you will be more assertive and sure of yourself than ever.


The road ahead is paved with clarity, joy and freedom. Don't wait a moment longer to begin this journey back to your radiant, beautiful and very capable self.


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